Friday, November 5, 2010

Will this be Rosa DeLauro's Last Victory in Congress?

DeLauro has won back the third district of Connecticut fairly easy (No Surprise!). However, I believe this victory is bitter sweet. Even though she successfully secured her seat many other Democrats were not so lucky. Tuesday November 2nd was sorrowful day for the Democrats as the Republicans took control of the House (187 Democrats and 239 Republican). Now Rosa DeLauro is in the minority. How is she going to push her agendas through Congress when she has lost many of her friends and supporters including Nancy Pelosi who will no longer be speaker of the House?
On Tuesday night after DeLauro secured her seat as Representative of the third district of Connecticut she expressed great joy and apprehensions for her new term. Her worries are more than justified. Since the Republicans have gained control of Congress they now have the power to determine the legislative agenda, and control House committees. So nothing goes through Congress without going through the Republicans first. Also Nancy Pelosi was a close friend of Rosa DeLauro. With Pelosi’s support DeLauro has been able to push some of her agendas’ through Congress there is not much DeLuaro can do without her.  How is DeLauro going to please her constituents if she has no power?
Although things are looking quite grave from my point of view DeLauro remains optimistic that not all the Republicans will be bent on opposing the Democrats at every turn. She has hope that there are still “level headed” Republican that believe in the art of compromise.

1 comment:

  1. With DeLauro's close ties to Pelosi, it will be interesting to see if she compromises some of her policy stances in order to have a better chance of passing legislation. Instead of having the luxury of proposing far left legislation with the support of a liberal Speaker and Democrat majority, perhaps DeLauro will become more moderate in her stances in order to compromise with her Republican colleagues. Lets just hope that if she makes these changes, the passing of legislation will make up for her being called a "flip-flopper" on policy stances.
