Friday, November 19, 2010

Is American really crying for a Political Realignment?

   “…we are clearly still in the public-strutting stage of this historic political realignment in the Capitol, with the Ohio leader of the House GOP majority showing that he heard that anti-establishment-campaign warning from voters and constituents alike.”(  Although the Republicans ability to gain control of congress was the largest party shift in the House since 1948, I refuse to characterize it as a political realignment. A political realignment takes place when there is a great issue plaguing the country that results in a change in the majority party or a newly formed party takes control (Brady 14). The Republican’s ability to gain so many seats may leave some to believe that it was a “historic realignment” but in reality what was seen was the normal continuation of local politics that just so happened to result in the Republicans gaining control of the House. The fact of the matter, despite popular belief, there is no intense national crisis that is tearing the country apart nor did many people voting pattern behavior (Connecticut is still voting democrat and Texas is still republican) even though they claimed they were frustrated with the current condition of the country. The outcome of the congressional elections was nothing but the continuation of the norm just with the Republicans in the majority instead of the Democrats.
According to Fox news and House Speaker-elect John Boehner, (“obviously both intellect and un bias sources of information”) the recent GOP victory was a cry from the people for help because they were fed up with the establishment. Supposedly, the American people wanted to extend tax cuts for all, cease excessive spending, and create jobs so badly that they went out in droves to vote republican to stop the country from collapsing (refer to the link posted above) . However this was not the case. Even though these are among the few major issuing that influenced the outcome of the elections, currently there is no issue so great, so destructive that if there was not a change the people would be furious.
Also many voters continued to vote within party lines. There was no great flow of Democrats now voting Republican. NO! Most Democrats voted Democrat and most Republicans voted Republican. The reason why the Republicans were able to take control was because they were able to gain the vote of the Independents.
          In summary, there was no political realignment. America did not desperately cry for help.        

Friday, November 5, 2010

Will this be Rosa DeLauro's Last Victory in Congress?

DeLauro has won back the third district of Connecticut fairly easy (No Surprise!). However, I believe this victory is bitter sweet. Even though she successfully secured her seat many other Democrats were not so lucky. Tuesday November 2nd was sorrowful day for the Democrats as the Republicans took control of the House (187 Democrats and 239 Republican). Now Rosa DeLauro is in the minority. How is she going to push her agendas through Congress when she has lost many of her friends and supporters including Nancy Pelosi who will no longer be speaker of the House?
On Tuesday night after DeLauro secured her seat as Representative of the third district of Connecticut she expressed great joy and apprehensions for her new term. Her worries are more than justified. Since the Republicans have gained control of Congress they now have the power to determine the legislative agenda, and control House committees. So nothing goes through Congress without going through the Republicans first. Also Nancy Pelosi was a close friend of Rosa DeLauro. With Pelosi’s support DeLauro has been able to push some of her agendas’ through Congress there is not much DeLuaro can do without her.  How is DeLauro going to please her constituents if she has no power?
Although things are looking quite grave from my point of view DeLauro remains optimistic that not all the Republicans will be bent on opposing the Democrats at every turn. She has hope that there are still “level headed” Republican that believe in the art of compromise.