Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rosa DeLauro Vs. Jerry Labriola

In November the House of Representatives are having Congressional District elections which will leave every seat in the House open for the taking. For Republicans this will mean a chance to finally seize control of Congress. However for Democrats it will be a desperate struggle to maintain power. Over the next few weeks both sides will do whatever thet takes to come out on top.

In the third district of Connecticut, Democrat and incumbent Rose DeLauro has held a seat in the House for twenty-years and now she is seeking re-election. DeLauro has made a name for herself over the years as a woman who desires to help others. During her time in Congress DeLauro has sought to improve our school systems, ease the financial burdens that plague senior citizens, enhance food and consumer product safety, create jobs, and the list continues. Rosa DeLauro has been able to maintain the majority support of the third district Connecticut residences in order to consistently secure her seat in the House regardless of the stance of the Democratic Party but this year Republican candidate Jerry Labriola is seeking to put an end to her reign. Labriola claims to be a fiscal conservative. He has attacked DeLauro and accused her of being a “…spend-thrift liberal Washington insider.” Labriola is concerned with the countries paralyzing debt of $ 12 trillion, and does not believe DeLauro understands the severity of this issue. This year Labriola has not agreed with any of the votes DeLauro has made. For example the Three major bills this year were the Healthcare bill, the Stimulus Package and the TARP (Trouble Asset Release Program); all of which DeLauro has voted yes in favor of while Labriola has opposed them all. With two candidates so different it is going to be interesting to discover how the people will vote in November.

Although Connecticut is a well known Democratic state this election may not come out as cut and dry as others may believe. I believe that the majority of the citizens are going to be focusing less on the position of the parties and more on the personal attributes of the candidates. Consequently, Rosa DeLauro’s desirable initiatives and familiarity among the people will may lead her to victory but Jerry Labriola may prevent her from winning by her usual landslide.

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